Terms of service
Registrations on the saogoncalodobacao.com.br portal are, as a rule, free of charge and the veracity of the data, as well as the guarantee of ownership, depend on the good faith of those responsible. Establishments with notoriously public addresses and activities are registered, without the need for consent. Self-employed professionals and local producers are invited to do so and tacitly express their intention to do so.
The administration of the portal checks, as much as possible, these data, but has no responsibility for them and is exempt in the event of bad experiences.
We are available, however, to receive complaints and make the necessary corrections through the email webmaster@saogoncalodobacao.com.br
Image use
The portal saogoncalodobacao.com.br may, eventually, when participating in events and publicizing the attractions, produce photographic material in which passers-by appear who did not express prior authorization. In this case, the portal undertakes to interrupt the publication, when the person who feels aggrieved manifests otherwise.
Advertisers who produce their own content, whether text or image, are responsible for their use and respond, alone, for the misuse of material.
Advertising contracts are established with each customer, in a specific document, between the same and the third party supplier, legal entity, responsible for this site, Luiz Henrique Santos Cotta 04748127660.