
Entrada franca
São Gonçalo do Bação Theater Group Center

São Gonçalo do Bação Theater Group Center

The São Gonçalo do Bação Theater Group is a non-profit entity, with Public Utility recognition by Municipal Law n. 2215 and State n. 14.863. Created in 1997 by actor and dental surgeon Mauro Antônio de Souza, known as Mauro Ghoña, it carries out work in the cultural and social areas, involving children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, rescuing environmental, cultural and social values, focusing on facts from the history of this community and region. (Extracted from the work: The Baçonic Saga. SOUZA, M. A. 2014:126)

Theater Group Center

Contemporary building made of cement bricks, without cladding, sits on a high point at the edge of the district. It has a rectangular section with a large hall at the front and an open veranda at the back where access to the toilets and a small tank area over the structure of the water tanks. The land is delimited by fence posts and wires. The outdoor area is devoid of plant species. The main façade is finished off with a simple plinth with a wavy profile. The roof is made of asbestos pieces, corrugated without internal lining. The frames are metallic, tilting type windows. The floor is covered with glazed tiles.


Here is a place of creation, knowledge and meetings. Outside there are fairs and festivals. Here is a meeting point for the culture and art of São Gonçalo do Bação”, comments Mauro Antônio de Souza, resident of São Gonçalo do Bação and director of the theater group. “Lots of ideas and dreams.”

Registration in other heritage and environmental bodies

It is not on the list of Inventoryed Assets of the Municipality of Itabirito.


-This set of inventories was prepared exclusively for the purpose of registering the cultural assets indicated by the community of São Gonçalo do Bação to meet the signaling, digital registration and enhancement program for Alleys, Fountains and Historic Attractions Circuits; - The contents of these inventories, if used in reports, other types of inventories and/or publications, must be duly cited, following ABNT rules; - The authorship of the photos and the origin of the iconographic collection (either personal or family collection) must be mentioned.

SOUZA, Mauro Antônio de . A Saga Baçônica. Itabirito: FUMARC, 2014.
BAETA, Alenice Aredes e Bação - Teatro comunitário valorizando memórias nas Minas Gerais- Racismo Ambiental, dia 25/07/2019 Link desta referência
Dissertação de Mestrado na UFERJ de Ramom Santana de Aguiar – Memória e espaço: o Teatro Comunitário de São Gonçalo do Bação - 2006 Link desta referência
ABRACE - IV Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Artes Cênicas-UNIRIO 2006-Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Monografia na Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina de Mario Cesar Coelho Gomes- Banco de Dados de Teatro em Comunidades: Garimpando o Teatro de São Gonçalo do Bação – 2008 Link desta referência
Aguiar, R. 2008. Espaço e memória: a construção de um espaço mnemônico na história do espetáculo. In:Espaço e teatro, Org. Evelyn Lima. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2008, pp: 213-228
Aguiar, R. 2008. “A atualidade de São Gonçalo do Bação: Entre a memória, o esquecimento e o teatro”. In: Cadernos de pesquisa do cdhis– ufo 38: 113-122
La investigación en prácticas de Teatro y Comunidad: perspectivas desde Portugal y Brasil - Isabel Bezelga, Hugo Cruz y Ramon Aguiar
Aguiar, R. 2010. Teatro, espaço e transversalidade – Uma aproximação pedagógica. In: Mal-Estar e Sociedade, P. 75, ano III, nº 4, junho de 2010. UEMG-Barbacena
Information sponsors

Alenice Baeta, Cristina Cairo, Hudson Faria e Pedro Loredo

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