Rua Areal com Beco Antônio de Paula

Areal Cross

Areal Cross

Cross that is on the way from the São Gonçalo do Bação Church to the Chapel of the Rosary and its cemetery. Place used for prayers, religious, cultural and mystical activities.

It is a wooden cross set on a circular projection base, with a volume like half a sphere, in the middle of the wide lawn delimited by Areal Street (Arraial Street) and the Antônio de Paula Alley – flat area, at a lower level than the Church Square (or Padre Benedito Firmino Square). It displays such proportions in which the arms are half the height of the vertical rod. It has the dimensions of 4.96m high and 2.53m wide. The dimensions of the section of the wooden pieces, measuring 13x13cm in finished wood, indicate that they are from a more recent production. Its dimensions are similar to those of the cross on Nova Street (New Street).


“This location is important during processions. Many used to pray also during the path to the burials at the Cemetery of the Rosário up on the hill”, according to Ms. Lia, 99 years old, resident of São Gonçalo do Bação.

According to Ms Divina, 94, a resident of Moura Lima Manor, “the Areal cross, like the one on Nova Street (New Street), used to have many added elements; in this case, the pieces from the crucifixion, but they were falling apart and now there is practically only the cross.”

“Next to this place, lived the ‘Marias Chiquinhas’, mother and daughter. They also took care of the fountain and the Areal Cross”.

According to Mr. Jaber Damasceno, 79 years old, there was another cross, the third (completing the design of the protective cross) in São Gonçalo do Bação, which was located in Volta da Lagoa, near the entrance to Rosalino Alley.

Assessment of the state of conservation/date/suggestions

-This set of inventories was prepared exclusively for the purpose of registering the cultural assets indicated by the community of São Gonçalo do Bação to meet the signaling, digital registration and enhancement program for Alleys, Fountains and Historic Attractions Circuits; - The contents of these inventories, if used in reports, other types of inventories and/or publications, must be duly cited, following ABNT rules; - A autoria das fotos e a origem do acervo iconográfico (seja acervo pessoal ou familiar) deve ser citada.

Registration in other heritage and environmental bodies

It is not listed as inventoried properties of the Itabirito City Hall or others.

Information sponsors

Alenice Baeta, Cristina Cairo e Hudson Faria

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